Does essential anatomy 3 have muscle actions
Does essential anatomy 3 have muscle actions

does essential anatomy 3 have muscle actions

Resection of the intercostobrachial nerve causes loss of sensation over the medial aspect of the upper arm. The intercostobrachial nerve is the lateral cutaneous branch of the second intercostal nerve and may be visualized during surgical dissection of the axilla.

does essential anatomy 3 have muscle actions

Lateral cutaneous branches of the third through sixth intercostal nerves provide sensory innervation of the breast (lateral mammary branches) and of the anterolateral chest wall.

does essential anatomy 3 have muscle actions

The vertebral venous plexus of Batson, which invests the vertebrae and extends from the base of the skull to the sacrum, can provide a route for breast cancer metastases to the vertebrae, skull, pelvic bones, and central nervous system. The veins and lymph vessels of the breast follow the course of the arteries with venous drainage being toward the axilla. The breast receives its blood supply from (1) perforating branches of the internal mammary artery (2) lateral branches of the posterior intercostal arteries and (3) branches from the axillary artery, including the highest thoracic, lateral thoracic, and pectoral branches of the thoracoacromial artery. The upper outer quadrant of the breast contains a greater volume of tissue than do the other quadrants.īlood supply, innervation, and lymphatics. The axillary tail of Spence extends laterally across the anterior axillary fold. Fibrous bands of connective tissue travel through the breast (suspensory ligaments of Cooper), which insert perpendicularly into the dermis and provide structural support. Each lobe of the breast terminates in a major (lactiferous) duct (2 - 4mm in diameter), which opens through a constricted orifice (0,4 – 0,7 mm in diameter) into the ampulla of the nipple. The breast is composed of 15.20 lobes, which are each composed of several lobules.

Does essential anatomy 3 have muscle actions